Music Video Conventions

Screenshot 2016-06-17 at 15.17.51

Please click on the image above to view the work I completed.

For this task we had to study a series of music videos that related to typical music video conventions. Therefore, here we had to study the videos carefully in order to understand:

  • The media form
  • Technical conventions
  • Generic features
  • Narrative conventions

Moreover, this has helped me to really be able to pick apart a music video. I now have a lot more knowledge and understanding about the different aspects a music video entails. I chose a set of seven different videos for this task, I looked at each videos duration, narrative to performance ratio, genre, mise en scene, impact/ appeal, subject matter and finally the type of narrative. By looking at each aspect, I learned roughly the average time of a music video and what each genre of music usually involved in their own music videos.

From this task, I think I will much more easily be able to have a firm knowledge about the general concepts/ conventions of a music video (much like we did for our AS thriller work). Due to this, I will be able to make my later music video as professional as possible, this is because I will be obeying the general conventions.


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