Genre Analysis of Mash Up Section


In this task, we had to look at our allocated genres and explore them in some detail. This therefore involved us creating a collage and then annotating it with adjectives that we personally thought was applicable to the genre we were looking at. My group were given the music genre of ‘disco’, due to this we looked at bands like ‘The Jackson 5’ and ‘Abba’ as they were very successful artists during their time. Here we believed that this genre was quite ‘out there’ and so we allocated words such as ‘energetic’ and ‘friendly’ to this genre. We also discovered that each particular band have their own ‘repertoire of elements’ that really make them particular to the genre they are trying to portray. By putting forward these conventions they are able to be categorised into the genre of music they want to produce. For example, the ‘repertoire of elements’ for disco would be things like bright colours, fun music and a lot of energy. We also learnt from this task, that directors of music videos must look at what the audience wants. They do this by following the traditional conventions of the genre they are displaying, this is therefore known as a ‘blueprint’. Furthermore, by recognising this ‘blueprint’ we will recognise that it actually forms part of the ‘contract’, this is in fact known as a mutual agreement with the audience.

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