Additional Planning/ Evaluation

Production Meeting Agenda


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Above, is the production meeting agenda for the re-shoot of our narrative scenes.  We decided to reshoot as we wanted more footage that would display the emotions we wanted our female performer to portray. Furthermore, we also felt the need to incorporate either locations that would make the narrative a lot more visually interesting for the target audience. These added scenes included the performer partaking in some charcoal drawing and also a close up visual of the same charcoal being hit on a drum. We believed these scenes were necessary elements in our narrative and therefore due to this, we believe our video as a whole is now more appealing for the audience. There is much more of an emotional connection between the individual and the performer, which is what we were aiming for from the beginning. It has also enabled us to include more visual metaphors, enabling us to make the more artistic video we were aiming for.


Evaluation of the shoot

We believe that this narrative shoot went a lot better than the last. This is simply because we focused more on specific shots we wanted and therefore had a much more strategised approach to the filming of the shots we wanted to achieve. Moreover, we also directed our performer a lot more effectively meaning we were able to gain more footage in the time frame set, resulting in much more useful and precise footage that will move our video forward. Furthermore, we also had a major focus on achieving more close ups of elements like the performers hands and feet, this resulted in much more artistic and meaningful shots that will make our video appear a lot more intention and appealing. We also believe that the wider diversity in our footage now will help to improve our product immensely and so we hope that these shoots will lead us in the right  direction to eventually finalising out product. Aside from the actual footage, we were also a lot more organised with our equipment. We were able to quickly set up our cameras and tripods, whilst ensuring that our camera were fully charged. This led to there being no disruptions and therefore our time was used a lot more effectively to film as much footage as possible.

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