Shot List- Performance

Screenshot 2016-06-24 at 14.07.19

Please click on this image to see the slideshow we produced.

Linked above is a slideshow that my group and I put together. It involves a various amount of shots that we found throughout a number of different disco music videos. We created this document by first gathering moments to screen-shot in a range of music videos that we thought were interesting. Moreover, we made sure each of these shots involved the conventions of the ‘disco’ genre, this enabled us to really see what elements would work best when creating our own rendition of this music category.

Furthermore, I think this task will be useful in the future. This is due to the fact that I can refer back to these at a later date, especially when creating my part of the ‘dummy mash-up’. I have also learnt that shots like long shots, close ups and mid shots are all conventional to the disco genre. Perhaps demonstrating theres something frantic and exciting an the random transition of shots within this genre. Tracking and handheld shots also seem to be frequently used. This could be showing us that there is always motion and constant movement throughout this genre, showing its appealing fun attitude. WE can also see that high angles also seem to be used, as this often captures the genuine excitement and fun the people in these videos seem to be having. Here, I will be able to replicate shots that I think will work well and therefore really link my product to that of the music videos displayed in my work above. I will also be able to use this when creating my future music video as well. Although the genre may not necessarily be that of disco, I now know how to analyse a video to really ensure that the shots being used fit the genre being displayed. Therefore, because of this I will really be able to indicate what music category I am focusing on throughout my video.


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