Synesthesia Mood board

The song I have decided to pitch to my group is ‘Please don’t go’ by Joel Adams. Personally, I think a lot of things could be done with this song and a strong narrative can be built. Therefore, I think this could lead to a great music video. This song is 3: 32 minutes long, I think this is a very suitable length for our music video, as there is enough time to be very creative, however not too much time that we have too much footage to sort through. This will mean that the music video we do end up producing to this song, would be good as we would be able to really focus on editing this reasonable amount of footage. Furthermore, the genre of this song is ‘pop’. The song talks about a couple, one person in the relationship is begging their partner not to leave them. Due to this, I can picture the male performer in a darkly lit setting singing the lyrics. Although, on top of this I also see the ‘partner’ who is perhaps free of their partner and therefore is out in the open, wearing a white flowy dress and dancing. I also see a large connection to nature and therefore I can see the video being filmed in locations like the beach.


The MP3 for the song:


The Moodboard:

Screenshot 2016-07-08 at 12.05.28

Please click on the image to view my mood board in more detail.

From this task I have learnt that it is a good idea to visually produce representations of your idea. This will mean that others are able to really view what you picture and therefore would be granted with a better understanding of your thoughts and ideas. Moreover, it is also good to do this as you can help yourself to work out what would go well together and therefore what would really make the best narrative overall. From this I can now also see what the video may look like, as I can visually see my ideas in a similar form to what the end product will be.


Annotated Lyrics:

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Please click on this image, to view the first page of my annotated lyrics.









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Please click on the move image to view the second page of my annotated lyrics.

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Click on the above image to view a rough timeline of how the first minute of the video may go.

By completing the above task of annotating the lyrics to my chosen song, I have learnt just how important it is to create some sort of visual link to the lyrics of the song itself. Tis means that the audience are able to see these representations and therefore they are able to identify the ‘repertoire of elements’ throughout the video. iIt also means that conventions are made clear and therefore the contract is key secure between us (the creators) and the audience. Moreover, due to this task i have also learnt the skin of actually being able to analyse lyrics. By doing this, I will be able to understand the words more and therefore the narrative we create would be a lot more related to the song and artist.

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