Final Song Choice

The song we have decided to pick for our music video is ‘Please Don’t Go’ by Joel Adams. This is a relatively slow song which does build up as the song develops. We thought this was a good choice for our video, as we believed we could infect do a lot with it. We can incorporate both of our ideas within the video and therefore we believed it was a perfect compromise. Furthermore, this song applies to the genre of ‘pop’ which we both were wanting to do anyway.

The MP3:


The reasons why we did end up choosing this particular song is because it conforms to both of our ideas and thoughts for the music video. It is of an appropriate length, so it is not too long or too short and therefore will be much easier to edit. We also like this song as we believe editing to the beat throughout will be very effective and so will have a big impact on the audience. Moreover, we also chose this song due to the fact we have a lot of ideas for it, we also already have an idea for exactly who will perform in the video. Some of the ideas we had for this song was that there would be a couple throughout. They would start together and then slowly their separation would grow until they were fully apart. The narrative would mostly be a focus on the nature side of things and perhaps elements that represented their relationship (for example the separation of oil and water). Moreover, the performance would consist of the male star singing in the dimly lit black studio. We thought a dark setting would be best for this performer as we really want to portray their emotions during the breakup to the audience, as this would perhaps make him more ‘present’ and therefore relatable to them.

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