Music Video- Genre Analysis

Here, we were given the task of creating a presentation about our specific genre: indie pop. We discussed elements like the narrative, star image, themes, music, mise en scene, camera techniques, edits/effects, iconography and finally the digi pack. By exploring all of these features we were able to really explore our genre in a lot of depth and therefore grasp a much better understanding of the what we needed to do. Throughout this task we looked at the very common repertoire of elements, these enabled us to discover what conventions were essential to this genre.

Moreover, this will assist me in the future when actually creating our music video. This is because we each will have a wider knowledge on what is actually needed to create an appropriate video, that fits well within the specified genre. By referring back to this document, we will be more able to ensure that we do in fact make our video comply with the preferred conventions in this genre. Therefore, this will make sure we are appealing to our target audience and so resulting in them receiving the predictable pleasure we are hoping for.


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