Music Video- Shot List- Performance


Please click on the image above to view the full shot list.

We had to complete a shot list for this task, in order to have a clear outline of suggested shots for our performance shoot. Moreover, we decided to look at Shawn Mendes’ music video for ‘Treat you better’, as we felt the music genre was fairly similar to our chosen song and therefore believed that the shots used would be appropriate for our video. We compiled the above shot list, consisting of 6 different camera angles/ shots. Furthermore, we felt these particular shots would work best for our performance shoot and therefore this is the reason why we incorporated them into our shot list.

Due to this task, we learnt just how important it is to have an idea of what type of shots we need before even filming our own video. This allowed us to be a lot more organised and therefore we did not waste time thinking of what shots were needed when we were actually shooting our own performer. This enabled us to use our time efficiently and effectively, ensuring that we managed our time and received as many shots as possible from this shoot. Consequently, this will allow us to experiment a lot more in the editing stage of our music video, as we will have a wide range of many different angles/ shots available.

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