Evaluation Question 3- What Have You Learned From Your Audience Feedback?


For this evaluation question, we completed a voice thread where we collectively spoke about all of the feedback we have received over the entirety of our project.  We simply spoke about how we carried our each set, the overall feedback, the targets and then completed this with a reflective evaluation of what we had learnt and therefore changed as a result of this. Furthermore, this enabled us to see the clear process of how we had gradually improved our products and therefore making it as conventional to the genre and star image as possible. Therefore, we were able to ensure we included the correct repertoire of elements, perfecting our overall metanarrative. So, this helped us to really connect with our preferred target audience, allowing them to experience the predictable pleasure expected.

Here, we learnt just how important it is to gather the necessary feedback at each stage of the production process. This ensured that we were able to notice and improve on elements that we may have missed otherwise. It is also enabled us to great products which are target audience found visually appealing, leading to greater success for our project. Therefore, from this task we were able to pick apart the elements our audience would decode, allowing us to detect what factors of our products made them most successful.

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