Digipak- Risk Assessment


Please click on the document above to view the risk assessment in more detail.

The risk assessment involved us reading through the above criteria and acknowledging all of the possible risks we may face shooting our images at the reservoir. We thought about things like transport risks and heights/ edges, ensuring that we made ourselves aware of all the possible dangers that we may face while shooting the required images. Once we had ensured that we covered all of the risks, we each printed and signed our names. After doing this, we then made sure that we also received the confirmation and therefore  the signature of our teacher.

Here, we learnt just how necessary and important it is to make sure we fully understand and recognise all of the risks we may face while shooting our images. By doing this, we will ensure that we do not waste any of our time and therefore this will entail that we complete our digipak quickly and efficiently. Moreover, by recognising the risks now, we will be able to avoid them while shooting our images.

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