Moodboard- Star Image

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Here, we were given the task of really exploring the ‘star image’ of the genre we are researching. This involved us using the website ‘pinterest’. We were able to compile a number of photos of many different ‘disco’ artists and pictures which we felt really related to the genre as a whole. Moreover, this task has really helped us to discover what we need to do to make the artists starring in our dummy mash up video really look the part. We have also identified that the ‘star image’ of this genre also connotes feelings of fun, excitement and dance. It almost portrays a feel good attitude to all that listen to the music produced by this genre. These repertoire of elements allows us to really understand that these particular conventions are closely linked to this genre.

From this task, I have learnt that ‘star image’ is probably one of the most important factors of an artist. This really links them to their music and therefore their genre, meaning they automatically set up a ‘contract’ with their audience, as certain things are expected from them due to their image. Furthermore, this has taught me that displaying the correct paradox of an artist is very important. Performers have to be very carefully constructed when it comes to their own, individual ‘image’. This overall ‘Star Image’ is known as the artists ‘metanarrative’  (also known as the big story) , often stars have to change their ‘metanarrative’. This is due to the fact that they often need to keep their fans interested.  I have also learnt that at some point in a performers career, they will be viewed as ‘extraordinary’. We start to feel as if we can relate to the person, however on the other end of the spectrum we also know that perhaps we can never be liked them- this is known as ‘the paradox of the star’. This helps the audience to remain intrigued by the star they idolise and therefore from this task, I can see just how important it is to perfect the image of the star. Moreover, I believe this will help me in the future with the development of both my dummy mash up video and my music video.

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