Music Video Song Short List and Moodboards

Below are the MP3’s that Ellie and I created as ideas for our future music video. Also, I have included the mood boards that we each created to show the visual representations and what we hope our video looks like.  We both decided to pick songs of the pop genre and therefore our ideas did seem to be fairly similar. this helped us really decide what we wanted to create in our music video. Moreover, this has enabled us to see that we both have very similar thoughts for the outcome of our music video.


My moodboard for the song: ‘Please Don’t Go’ by Joel Adams:

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Please click on the image above to view my moodpboard in more detail.

For the video, I can see a strong link to the broken relationship of a couple. Due to the emphasis of the words ‘please don’t go’, I believe there has to be two performers visible throughout. I think the male performer (the person singing the song) needs to be in a dark setting, as this will be expressing how he feels at the breakdown of his relationship. However, his partner who is now perhaps ‘free’ is in the open (perhaps a beach), she is dressed in a white flowing dress and ballet dancing. This juxtaposition between the two will demonstrate the major differences in how people may feel after a breakup. I also thought it would be clever to have things throughout which signified this separation. For example, we could have a time lapse of oil and water separation, as this would show that the couple no longer ‘blend’ together.

Ellie’s moodboard for the song: ‘Stay’ by KYGO:

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Please click on the image above to view Ellie’s moodboard in more detail.

Ellie thought we should do the song ‘Stay’ by KYGO. This song talks about someone who is only staying with their partner because they feel sorry for them. She believed because of this the video should be based around nature and adventure. Moreover, she also thought that on top of this, little signs of the relationship distress throughout the video would compliment the lyrics extremely well. Furthermore, she believed the video should be simple. This is because this would intact give us much more availability to experiment with interesting shots and editing techniques.

From this task, we have discovered that we both have nearly the exact same vision for our further music video. This makes it a lot easier when coming up with ideas, as we both know what each other are picturing for the video. Moreover from this we can see that we preferably want a dancer in our video. We also want to focus our video more on great shots and editing, rather than pulling a traditional narrative together. Instead of putting a lot of emphasis on the performers, we want to really portray a relationship through their surrounding and  visual representations. We feel that this word make our video a lot more unique and interesting to watch. Ideas that we pulled from our two pitches are things like modern, interpretive, exciting and elements of representation. From this, we can see we have a solid basis for our music video to really start to develop.

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