Music Video- Star Image Planning


We had to compile a board images for this task in order to display the star image for the performer in our future music video.  The star image suggests how the artist should look and come across to their audience. For our genre (indie pop) we believed that our performer should appear talented, present and yet ordinary. Due to this, we used pictures of artists like Troye Sivan, Shawn Mendes and Bruno Mars to put this idea across. Moreover the metanarrative that can be seen from this particular board shows that a performer from this genre is typically casually dressed and fairly laid back. They come across as the ‘boy next door’ making them relatable and ordinary, therefore meaning their target audience feel more connected to the performer they idolise.

This task has ensured that each of us know exactly what we are looking for when it comes to our artists star image. We can see from this the exact “look” we are searching for and therefore this will help us when creating the necessary image. This will in turn help us to connect with the conventions and repertoire of elements. Once again this means that we will be  able to  give the audience what they are looking for, entailing that they receive the pleasure we predict.

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