Article Development

Here is my article that I intend to put into my double page spread. I have decided to write in a Q&A style, after each question putting a name and address to make the questions more personal.

Draft Article


  • Draft 1 Type your article here.  
  • Get someone or yourself to read Draft 1  out loud and record it on an MP3 and embed in your blog.
  • Make appropriate changes.
  • Submit the amended, updated Draft 2, article to your teacher for feedback before inclusion in indesign.




Standfirst (more detail on the headline to hook in the reader to want to read on)


Article (including quotes?)


Byline (who has written it)


In this issue…

We have an exclusive Q&A with Elly Anslow, a Diamond Heart award winner and 2020 best seller. We talk about boys, the upcoming album, and drama on tour! 

Born in London, 2001, Elly knew she was destined for fame. She would sing outside in her garden at only 10 years old, giving concerts for her stuffed animals. After many talent shows and performances throughout her teenage years, Elly Anslow, aged 16, finally blew up on YouTube, drawing in 34 million views within the first week with her cover of ‘Love Galore’ by SZA. SZA even spoke up publicly about the video saying it was ‘angelic and ethereal’ and that ‘no words could do it justice’. After a year of releasing covers of other popular R&B artists, Elly Anslow finally released her own album at just 17. Now, she is a multi-award winner and best selling artist of 2020. In this issue, Cosmic Magazine is blessed to have Elly Anslow answering your juicy questions. 


Elly, what brings you the greatest joy from your newfound fame? 

  • Montana, Essex

Well, I can’t say it was easy at first. In the beginning I was only young, and I could just not wrap my head around how much I had blown up. I found it really hard to deal with all the criticisms but as of lately, and as a more grown and developed woman, I have discovered the love of my fans is what matters and providing them with something they can listen to and bond and communicate over is what brings me most joy.

What brings you the most satisfaction in the music industry?

  • Jordan, Texas

I think seeing the albums I have worked so, so hard on coming together, and knowing that people like my music enough to nominate my album ‘Blue Hills’ for a Diamond Heart award brings me so much satisfaction ‘cause that tells me that whatever I’m doing is good enough!

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

  • Joel, London

When I first started off in this industry, I actually met Rihanna for the first time at her movie premiere. She told me a way to deal with setbacks was through prayer and understanding that there is a reason for everything, even if you can’t see it at times. You’d be surprised how much that helped me at the time and how I still follow that to this day. 

How has your love life been? 

  • Anne, Surrey

Well, it’s kind of hard to talk about, but my fans deserve to know what’s going on in my life. As a lot of people may know, me and Harry [Styles] recently ended things. It was kinda mutual, but in reality, he broke my heart and I honestly thought my career was over for a while. The pain was too hard to deal with and the fact I have songs about him that fans love and want me to perform on tour is just a lot sometimes. However, I have grown and learnt since the break up and my recovery from it has inspired many of my new songs in Butterfly”. I may have something to reveal next time you guys interview me, but I am not confirming nor denying there’s any man in my life. 

Was there ever any drama on Tour?

  • Michael, New York

[Elly laughs] Yes! Just as you would expect, a bunch of intense personalities all crammed into a few buses is not always the most relaxing thing. Don’t get me wrong though, I love my team more than anything. This tour has brought us closer together than ever before and I am so thankful for everything that we have been blessed with. But of course there had to be some drama. Some was intense and some was just sad. Harry and I broke up on that tour while I was in L.A. and I had to perform in front of a massive stadium which did not go very well [take a look at our issue from Feb 23 to see more on Elly’s heartbreaking on-stage meltdown] Apart from that, the drama was really just us all getting moody and tired of each other. But still, performing really brought us all together and I could not be more thankful for the experience it has given me and the amount of support I got from the fans.

Elly, what are your current plans for the future?

  • Elio, Italy

“After my album [Butterfly] releases later on January 29th, I’ll be working on a few fun and exciting things. 

 Obviously the Butterfly Tour will be happening and I’ve been told I can confirm there will be something happening with Netflix very soon. Oh! My gorgeous sister, Beth, is getting married in summer this year and I am very excited for that too!”

Here is my voice thread for the Interview

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