contents page draft 2

Here is my second draft of my contents page. I have changed it up so that it fits the aesthetic of my magazine a lot better with the casually taken, yet sophisticated photo taken of my model and the pink lighting to make it look similar to the front cover of the magazine.

I’ve also changed some of the fonts and layouts of the text so that they fit more around my model and go better with the colour scheme of the page.

Targets for Next Draft

  • Other photos for the insets as overload of the lovely Lilly and add captions/page numbers to the insets
  • some white fonts in there?
  • unusual to have masthead on the contents page…make it smaller like a logo in the corner perhaps and make the Contents the main headline
  • look at line spacing of some of the colours lines
  • look at alignment of some of the coverlines
  • Find a way to make the photos at the bottom look more presentable
  • Perhaps find different font for numbered headlines
  • Crop out parts of the photo that don’t look right

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