Double page spread draft 2

Here is my second draft of my double page spread.  I have changed it up slightly by adding in coverlines and changing the layout.  I have put the cover star to left in a more classical magazine fashion, as the audience is usually drawn to the left.

The signature is to create an even more personal affect between Elly Anslow and her fans that can be created through the magazine. The title still remains above the article as I think it is important that the magazine’s brand stays strong and iconic. The quote no longer overlaps both pages as I didn’t want it to look strange when the page folds.

  • Bring the quote closer together line spacing
  • make sure columns end at the same place
  • is it her signature and if so, anchor it to a quote?
  • page numbers
  • byline and photography by – no need for same name twice?
  • paragraphs
  • unusual to have Orbit, name of magazine so prominent…make her the prominent headline with the Q and A
  • make her larger

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