Hello, my magazine is called Orbit and is made for fans that are interested in anything R&B related.

My magazine will be similar to other magazines in the way that it is laid out and presented. For example, every magazine has similar features like a main cover star, barcodes, main cover line and titles. However it can be seen as different from other magazine’s. This is done through things like ways to interact with the readers like giveaways and Q&A’s, the magazine’s own personal editing style such as the tare in the page to present the pug and trying to include the title throughout the magazine to create an iconic branding.  My Mission statement is: Orbit focuses on anything R&B, which means any fellow listeners of Rhianna, Beyonce, Drake and many more will adore this magazine. This magazine shall provide you with entertainment and information covering anything from the most famous stars and upcoming artists, fashion and culture, as well as the albums we think you’d love and tour dates from your favourite artists.  Orbit will allow you to be one with your idols and the best artists we know who build on to your personal identity. This stylish, easy-going magazine is perfect for any young people wanting to get involved in the blingy, soul-filled life of R&B.

From research such as that from, I have discovered that my target audience is millennial women, but from personal experience, I believe that I should also be aiming for people around my own age (gen Z). I believe that my target audience will go to my magazine for Information and will look up to my magazine to make up a Personal Identity. I think my target audience would enjoy things such as skating, going to parties and concerts, and listening to artists such as Rihanna and SZA. I would attract them by talking about their favourite artists and places where fantastic concerts are going down. 

My audience would buy my magazine for reasons that link to the Uses and Gratification from Blumler and Katz. It provides entertainment by giving its audience detailed and informative inside details on their favourite celebrities and a diversion from everyday life by being able to see the combination of extraordinary and ordinary lives of the people they look up to. This uses AIDA by attracting my audience. For example, in my magazine it says ‘Elly Anslow: He broke my heart, I thought it would end my career forever.’ This attracts the reader into wanting to read more.

 Social interaction can be seen through the audience being able to send in their questions for the magazine to publish with the answers from the celebrity. Orbit magazine also does giveaways, for example, winning a free CD. This uses AIDA by having a call to action. ‘Win a free butterfly album CD from Elly Anslow’ is shown on the front cover of my magazine. This calls to my audience to recognise that there is action in my magazine which they can take part in.

 One’s personal identity can be sculpted with the magazine by having fashion recommendations from celebrities. Fashion is very important to many people and performs a large role in building up your identity. If someone sees their favourite celebrity recommending the latest trends, it will influence their identity. Another way identity is formed with Orbit magazine is through the music itself. R&B is filled with soul and personal experiences. These are shared through stories told in interviews in the magazine. This allows the readers to identify with the celebrities and compare their personal experiences to theirs. The recommendations of fashions also the informative side of Uses and Gratification. It keeps everyone up to date with what is in and what maybe should be left in the wardrobe. The reports of the readers favourite celebrities also allows them to be informed on a personal level on what is going on with their idols. 

I would choose to work with Conde Nast to distribute my magazine as it owns many brands that inspire me and that I look up to. I would want my magazine to be sold alongside the big names such as Vogue and GQ. I also think this would show that my magazine is a serious and well sought out piece of media that is owned by a company that chooses its brands wisely. Also due to the little amount of companies owned by Conde Nast compared to the others, there may be less competition. The other magazine’s in Conde Nast’s region are also very popular with my target audience so I believe that they would gravitate more towards my magazine after seeing it is owned by them. 

I would like to attract advertisers that emit wealth, trendiness and above all, diversity and equality. I want to be seen and associated with brands that underline the reasons for Orbit magazine. Orbit is a classy, iconically branded magazine that focuses on diverse and interesting trendy subjects. Rihanna, a very famous R&B singer, has had an advert in the magazine of her brand ‘Fenty Beauty’, a very diverse and relevant brand. Juicy Couture also is advertised in the magazine as it is a very old school, chic brand that has been relevant and iconic for years, just like Orbit magazine should be. I also think that other brands such as Gucci and Nike would pay me to reach their target audience as we have similar audiences and themes. Gucci is all about wealth and glamour which is something my audience would like and see as aesthetically pleasing. Nike is a very trendy brand that lots of millennials and Gen Z people would be interested in. Also, many artists would contact my magazine to distribute advertisements for their concerts such as SZA , Beyonce, Drake and Kehlani. 

To allow my magazine to survive in this day and age of the internet, Orbit would have an online magazine that would be advertised on social media. We would post about our top stories with a link to the actual virtual magazine. However, the reader would only be able to read so much before the free trial is over. This would influence them to either sign up for a paid subscription or buy the actual magazine itself. Having an online version of media coverage seems to work out for many. We can see on the website that since 2011, 300 libraries shut and the mail online received 1.7 million viewers a day. This shows that creating an online version of the magazine would be more beneficial as more people are reading online rather than on physical prints. On this online magazine, we can make it easier and more fun for the viewers to participate and have fun. Online quizzes will be available as well as a place for the fellow viewers to leave comments and interact with each other. 

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