final song PITCH + FEEDBACK

To go on with our. music video,  we first had to allow our teacher to understand our basic idea. We created a small pitch to present to her that summarised the star image, narrative concept and performance concept.

Making this really helped paint more of a picture in our heads of what we wanted and allowed all of us in the group to understand and interpret each others ideas. Although I was absent, my group went on to film the pitch with my teacher.

Our teacher gave us feedback on our themes and issues to help us reflect on our work and focus forward on making it even better. This allowed us to help with developing ideas on the narrative and performance.

6x Positives

  • Our narrative has a good base of an idea.
  • We have a model/models who are willing to work with us.
  • Our mise-en-scene is strong.
  • A good plot that allows the audience to interpret our storyline in their own way.
  • Our group had good communication so we all know the narrative and mise-en-scene ideas.
  • We have considered the locations we will film at.

6x Goals

  • Use the ending of the story at the start of the music video to give the audience background of what is happening, has happened, or could happen.
  • Look into possible locations in depth.
  • Potentially think of more costumes – don’t use the same two as it could get boring.
  • Think about how and where we are going to film the performance/lip-syncing shots.
  • Consider camera angles more.
  • We need to be organised in order to film and get the shots we need to get with no hassle.

After showing our video idea to our teacher, it has allowed us to experience critisism and feedback in the industry and how that can help shape our work. Now we can move forward with clear ideas of what we already wanted, and things we can add.

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