music video draft 4

Finally, it feels as if we are almost done as we have come out with our fourth draft. For this video, we decided to film some clips to fill in the gaps that felt a bit awkward. I think these clips are perfect as they are the right amount of colourful and creepy, which allows the video to run a lot more smoothly. The use of the projector over her while she acts normal and casual represents her mindset being reflected to the target audience. Use of a projector is really trendy at the moment, so I feel as if they will watch this and be impressed that we are keeping up to date with what is currently going on in the wider media world.

Teacher Feeback

  • Scale and position more clips so she in not centred the whole video.
  • Slow down the ending scene so the audience can take in what is happening.
  • Zoom in on dialogue opening scene to give the audience more of a personal feel to what’s happening.
  • Perfect the lip syncing and edit to beat.

Moving on, we are going to listen to our teachers comments and make any changes she thinks it suitable. I am really happy we decided to do this extra shoot as it did not take much time at all and helps a lot more than I thought it would.

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