Marketing Timeline and Strategy

Marketing Research:

Charli XCX’s marketing strategy consisted of her archiving all of her instagram posts and announced to her fans a zoom call in which she released the details of her album. Clearing her feed gave more attention to the album and raised excitement in her fans as it was a rather big move. Each week she had a zoom call with different major celebrities, such as Paris Hilton, who would bring their audience over and introduce them to Charli’s music. Charlie also focused on audience engagement an extreme amount, by letting fans pick tracks and album art, as well as getting fans to send in submissions to be in her music video.

In light of their new album, Coldplay created a website for their Asian fanbase across seven countries. Fans were able to login to the website to enjoy the playlist on Spotify. The website consisted of a map that would light up in different countries the more streams they got which made the fans competitive while listening. This helped increase streaming consumption and broadened their fanbase across Asia.

Liza Anne‘s marketing involved a complete transition of her star image, from a more simple girl to a confident indie rocker. They released a new track with a fresh look and new aesthetic, including a new logo. Several months later the campaign for ‘Bad Vacation’ was released, including a website with a California motel-esque theme that showed everything from her merchandise to upcoming music. This was followed by a music video that included a dance, something which was later made into a tutorial for other fans to do. Liza also created an Instagram interview series in which she spoke on mental health awareness with multiple other artists.

Marketing Campaign:

After looking at other artists campaigns, we as a group have to create a campaign for our social media page in which we provide information on our artists music and engage in social interaction with our audience. This will include things such as teasers for our video and digipak which will attract our fanbase. We have to make sure our artists genre and branding is both ordinary and extraordinary to create a balance between being a star and being a human being.




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