DigiPak draft 3

In our third draft, we have just altered the colours to make a similar theme run throughout the album so it is more conventional. We also chnaged the back photo as we loved the colour scheme and the quaslity of the photo.


  • try and get some differnt fonts in
  • make the front less pink on the artsit
  • chnage the colour scheme of fonts

CD format and student feedback

After putting our Digipak into a physical CD cover, we were able to recognise what changes had to be made and what we liked. Before making these chnaged though, we needed a fresh perspective of the album, so we created a survey of different genre’s for our peers to guess which ours was; indie pop.

This clearly shows that we have gotten it right so far, with almsot everyone ticking indie-pop. This new perspective is important as in media, we heavily rely on audience engagement and now we know we would be able to attract our desired target audience.


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