Social media page draft 2

For our second draft of the social media page, we added three new posts, as well as some stories that show more about the artist and give the audience more information.

The new posts consist of Maeve being on the cover of Vogue, showing she is an extraordinary celebrity, and juxtaposing with another post of her being more ordinary playing guitar. Our final post is a GIF from the music video, something that acts a small teaser and that fans can recognise as one of the artists favourite shots.

In our stories, we have been able to show different sides of Maeve.



This shows that Maeve is charitable. She is offering her net proceeds from all sales and streams of her song Kiwi, from her latest album. This shows her audience that she cares about people and is kind, and even pushes them to listen to her music more, in order to help others.




She also did other things, such as Q&A’s, in which she answered questions thats her audience were dying to know. She is engaging with her audience and informing them at the same time by answering their questions such as what she likes to do in her spare time?

This gives the persona she is both an ordinary and extraordinary girl.

Moving on, I have more targets to set for our group, but I am proud with how far we have come and how professional our work is. starting to look. It really seems as if we are bringing Maeve to life.

Teacher review:



  • Create a website
  • Create merch and tickets for sale
  • promote. gigs/upcoming tour to keep fans on toes

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