Specsavers feed back

After completing a few drafts, a couple of people from the media department at Specsavers came into our lesson to review our work and give us constructive criticism. This was highly appreciated as they are professionals who know the inns and outs of adobe software and they were able to give us a few tips and tricks in. order to help us in our journey of creating our music video.


  • We are just slightly off with the beat and some of the flashing clips, so we need to carefully edit to the beat to create a smoother video.
  • Some clips went on for too long so make them shorter.
  • Maybe film more narrative shots to help the audience understand the transition from dark to light side of the star.
  • Make things more colourful and brighter, such as the running scene as it is too dark to see what is going on.

Youtube tutorials to help us:

Now, we can use the feedback and tutorials to create another draft that is better suited to our audience. I am looking forward to making some of the colours pop more and hopefully getting more clips as right now it still os very empty and lacks a proper story line.

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