BAUDRILLARD – POPPY – Hypereality, Simulacra and Parody + Scattergun examples


Have you heard of Poppy? An online example of hypereality?  A total parody of consumer culture and celebrity?

Read this article and take a look?  What do you think? What would Baudrillard think?

Is this art or just a cynical take on online life?

This is what the Guardian thinks.




Selfies are so postmodern

Have you considered how postmodern selfies are?  Our artificial image, simulation becomes the focus of a moment – we want people to focus on us and our image.  The rest almost becomes irrelevant.  We are also so self-absorbed – just recreating ourselves somewhere else – same face, different place.  A pastiche of our own lives constantly uploaded.

This is a link to an article about our modern media world. Again a great place to take down some sound bites to use in your essay.

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