Tour Poster Analysis

In this analysis I have deconstructed Drake’s tour poster detect the connotations. The reason for doing this is to find the hidden story behind the tour poster, as we can see Drake has dressed himself with  excessive and eccentric jewelry to represent his wealth and success of what he has a achieved working within the music business. Now is have decoded the poster into more detail we can clearly see the link between the amount of jewelry, the picture frame surrounding Drake and the bold, gold texts indicating that what he has achieved has brought him a great deal of affluence. The bold, big and dark texts characterizes a high level of maturity and class. I now know what characteristics I need to include in my work when I come to design prints. I will have to encode narratives using denotations such as fonts, useful colours, and images that link with my theme to attract and show an understanding of my tour poster and what it is about.


Below is my first product meeting agenda for my front cover shoot. For any type of shoot/media work it is essential to plan; without planning the work you will produce will be of little standard and chaotic. Planning for anything is crucial when completing a piece of work to a high standard. In this agenda I have included all vital things e.g. clothing, who is responsible, location and what equipment is needed, to ensure my shoot is successful.