Below is have inserted my contents page for my own  Music magazine. To create/design my contents page, I had to do this through Adobe InDesign. The photo located in the center of my contents page was edited in Adobe Photoshop; by doing so I was able to transform my photograph from natural colour/lighting to black and white –  also changing the contrast and exposure of the image. I believe my fonts are readable and expresses my chosen genre of Indie.

My shot distances were minimal due to wanting close up photographs.

Due to carrying out an extensive amount of research of contents pages, as shown below:

My design of my contents page is created in a similar way to a contents page I saw when carrying out my research. After taking ‘Mise en Scene’ into consideration, I was able to create an image which not only fits my genre of Indie but also attracts my target audience.

Below I have inserted my drafted contents page for my music magazine:

  • The numbers are great
  • Perhaps some shadow on them to make them pop a little or some on the copy within?
  • Feel the image almost detracts….who is she, caption?  needs to be bigger? more contrast in the black and white? What does it look like with lower opacity in the background, behind the numbers as a larger photo?
  • Look at the coverline texts and spacing as they are quite different in some of the numbers? Get some continuity.
  • Page number for the actual contents page?
  • What do colours on the numbers look like to differentiate a little more to make it easier for the reader to see them?

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