The CCR4 infographic asks how I integrated technologies, hardware, software and online productivity in my magazine. This infographic explores the impact that these forms of technology have on the production of my music magazine and how I integrated them to fit with my chosen music genre of indie.



Firstly, I chose this advert for numerous reasons; Bon Iver is an incredibly popular and successful music artist; this allows Bon Iver to sit comfortably in the Indie genre which corresponds well to my demographic. Using such a well known musician will help my target audience embrace the artists star image, which will create an easy way to interact and understand my chosen genre. In addition, I love the vintage feel the vinal gives gives off to my audience. It is important to include an advert in my magazine which promulgates a new album. Hopefully, by including an advert, it will encourage my target audience to indulge deeper into the my genre and the music the genre represents.


Secondly, I chose this advert as a result of Oasis being such a popular, well known and successful Indie band. The idea of Indie is represented well through Oasis’ music and will entice my target audience. The captions from this advert resemble well to my own demographic I have designed; it also creates an easy way to understand and interact with my chosen genre of Indie.


What’s new?

  • changed the colour of the ‘chemmy and bails going their own way’ title to make it easier to read.
  • I have captioned the image in the bottom right hand side.
  • I made the caption at the bottom on the DPS to once side so that it was not in the way of the fold of the magazine.
  • I have made ‘setting the pathway’ larger.
  • I have decreased the size of my byline.

What’s next?

  • do the page numbers correspond to the coverlines on the contents page?
  • this relevant? why not do a quote instead?
  • typo performance
  • main headline goes across the fold/staples so reposition as it will be lost
  • & instead of and
  • caption on main image is a bit weird…what do we do about that?  why not add in a quote from the article instead?





Above I have inserted a JPEG and PDF of my first draft of my double page spread. I have used music magazine conventions to in order for my magazine to look realistic but unique. I have made sure my DPS is suitable for my targeted audience but using technical and creative skills throughout the process.


  • Caption the smaller photo
  • Change the red writing to a brighter red to read it more easily
  • Make the big title bigger
  • Change the bottom caption to one side
  • insert a transparent text box to caption the small photo
  • page numbers don’t work with the number of pages you are doing
  • smaller byline
  • the headline across the bottom will get lost in the fold
  • headline in a different font to the subheadline


draft 1

The United States, the home of Indie and RnB music culture; hosting the world’s most renowned and successful band, ‘Old Shoes’. The band originated in Nevada, United States; the girls are only aged 19 – a young age to be successful as a world known band! Two girls, Chemmy and Bails, who are from the triumphant group share their life as a whole working within the music business and performing on such prominent stages worldwide. 

      In sorrow, the girls have caught the attention of their many fans as a result of leaving their band, ‘Old Shoes’. 

During a recent meeting, I spoke to the girls in a one-to-one interview, where we found out in real detail what actually happened and why the girls felt they needed to leave the most successful band located in the United States – the home of Indie and RnB music culture. 

      Chemmy and Bails took part in a recent recording which took place at the bands recording studio in Nevada. I was there in the studio when the recording took place and the vocals the girls produced were incredible, almost effortless – the girls have such talent and I cannot wait to pursue their career with them and follow their journey every step of the way.

      Following the recent recording, I spoke to the Chemmy and Bails about their decision to leave such a lucrative band. The girls felt as though it was best for them to leave the girl band because it was physically and mentally affecting Chemmy and Bails significantly due to posts travelling through social media. 

      The split took a toll on the girls in such a negative way they took themselves away from social media completely; deleting apps and reducing the amount of social interaction. Paparazzi bombarded the girls on multiple occasions since leaving the band, the girls were mortified. In addition, the girls felt as though they should leave the country and remove themselves from such a negative environment. I will update all of you on future plans for the group and how the girls are getting on post leaving the girl band.



Below is what I wrote in response to my teachers reflection of my Draft Feature Article for my Double Page Spread in my music magazine.

draft 2

The United States, the home of Indie and R&B music culture, is laying claim to having nurtured the world’s most renowned and successful band, ‘Old Shoes’. The band originated in Nevada, and the girls are all only aged 19 – a young age to be successful as a world famous outfit. However, it was recently announced that two of the band members, Chemmy and Bails, have decided to break away from the mothership.  In this month’s edition of Quill, they share their life stories, and in particular, how they have coped with  working within the music business and performing on some of the most prominent stages worldwide. 

 Quill met up with Chemmy and Bails as they took part in a recent recording session  where it was clear the vocals the girls were producing would be able to match those of Old Shoes.  The duo have such talent and Quill cannot wait to follow their career and  their journey with them every step of the way.

In our conversation it was clear that the  girls felt as though it was best for them to leave the girl band because it was physically and mentally affecting Chemmy and Bails significantly due to constant negative trolling on social media. The split meant that they  took themselves away from social media completely; deleting apps and reducing the amount of social interaction. In spite of this the physical paparazzi have bombarded the girls on multiple occasions since leaving the band, leaving them  mortified and exhausted by the backlash. 

They went on to tell me that…..

Having felt that fleeing the country would be allowing the trolls to win, they are remaining strong in their determination to carry on with their duet, which Quill can exclusively reveal is called ‘Revealing All’.

Make sure you buy next month’s edition of Quill where you will be able to be updated on their future plans for the group and how the girls are getting on post leaving the girl band.

 Written by Millie Sutton


Here is my voice recording of my Feature Article for my magazine:





What’s next?

  • Much prefer the background
  • who are the girls though…they need a caption
  • add in some other sub headings like features, regulars, competitions etc as though there is more in there than just features?
  • needs a page number
  • perhaps a bit of strike or depth on the numbers?
  • experiment with the colours of the numbers…just see if an alternative or some with another colour works?

What’s new?

  • I have changed my background from my first draft




Personal explanation

Above I have inserted my second draft of my front cover for my indie / rnb music magazine. I was assigned improvements from my teacher to enable me to achieve a more successful magazine front cover. The image I have used as a background to my front cover has been changed; this is because I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to take part in a photo shoot located in town, whilst in town we visited a relatives house of my teacher and I took a selection of powerful and meaningful photos in which I prepared for in advance. I decided to redesign my whole front cover as my first copy was rushed and not completed to an appropriate standard.

With my understanding of AIDA and ‘mis en scene’ I now believe I have created a front cover at a standard in which that meets all criteria to create a unique magazine fit for my targeted audience.


  • enlarge the main image
  • use the pug information as coverlines
  • bold the banner at the bottom and make the copy slightly larger
  • look at typos and punctuation i.e. capital letter for Liverpool
  • play with Quill…add some shadow or make the Q really big and thicken up the letters – in other words make it bigger?
  • fill in the top right hand corner with a plug for the type of magazine it is?
  • lower case 1 to 1 instead of 1 TO 1 or what about 1 2 1? and add to the main coverline – more information on what Chemmy and Bails will be revealing, discussing