Hello Media studies!

Hello Media studies! I am ecstatic to learn some new skills and get the media experience!

Currently some of my skills involve:

-Organisation and time management skills.I am quite good at organising my time and making sure I am organised and ready.I have tendencies to procrastinate however I work best under pressure!I am hoping that I can learn to space out my work across my time a bit better so I can maximise my work efficiency.

-Creative skills.When it comes to creative skills I would say that I am quite creative.I enjoy coming up with interesting ideas and ways for things to stand out.I am good at playing guitar in which I write my own music using my own creative ideas which helps me vent my creativity in a useful way.

I hope that doing media studies can also help me improve and learn new skills such as:

-Research and planning.As it is I know that I can be much better at research and planning and hopefully this course will help improve that skill and make me more efficient and effective which will help me in the future.

-Transferrable skills.I hope that I can learn some useful skills that I can take to the workplace such as:Experience with computers and laptops,Photoshop and editing skills, teamwork skills and many more useful things.

-Technology.One of my main aims is to improve my knowledge and skills with a laptop, computer and camera.I think that, in this day and age, being able to use a laptop is crucial and an invaluable skill and I aim to further my knowledge and experience through media studies.



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