I am a media prosumer.

This is my personal media collage.^

The Blumler and Katz theory suggests that different people can use the same media for very different purposes and that the same media can gratify different uses for each individual.There conclusion was that there is not only one way that people use media.

What media do I consume?

I consume many forms of media.The main ones can be seen in the slideshow.

What media do I contribute to?

I contribute to shopping websites such as route one and amazon.I also contribute to the bands I listen to by giving them revenue through listening as-well as buying merchandise.

Uses and gratifications.

Information-I get my information mainly from social media.Snapchat provides me with information about what my friends are doing and what the celebrities I follow are doing and Instagram does the same thing.Twitter keeps me up to date on political relevancy and what is currently happening so that is more of a source of current news.Youtube also provides me with information from all around the world and the trending section always has news on it.

Entertainment-For entertainment I watch YouTube videos and channels such as Hop King and Thrasher Mag.These channels provide entertainment for me and they help me relax and chill out for a few hours.I use Netflix to watch different shows which I enjoy and this helps me with my personal identity and helps me to create a talking point between me and my friends.The bands I listen to also shape part of my entertainment as I enjoy listening and, as a musician myself, enjoy listening on a more technical level.Xbox games such as Sekiro provide me with fun and a temporary release from the every day struggles of life.

Personal Identity-My personal identity is shaped by many things.The bands I listen to and identify with help me shape myself and my preferences.The shows I watch shape my opinions ands give me characters to relate to.And the other websites I use for shopping culminate in my personal style and identity.

Social Interaction-Social media such as Snapchat, Instagram, twitter and Facebook provide me with social interaction with people I know , people in groups and strangers.The music I listen to on Spotify and the shows I watch on Netflix also provide me with a talking point between strangers and friends and these things help me meet new people.

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