My Image That Uses Mise-En-Scene To Communicate Meaning.

Our project.

In a group we where allocated a random genre.We got folk as our genre of research and we made this mood board in order for us to learn and highlight the uses of mise-en-scene in the folk genre.

Made with Padlet

From our research we found that the key connotations of the folk genre are quite bright shots which imply a more jolly and happy nature, Fairly laid back and casual poses which further implies that the people posing are chilled out and friendly ,Instruments as props in photos which helps give context to the images,Hair and makeup are not used often so we can’t infer much from that but the settings tend to be quite traditional and are a lot of fields and old looking places which implies the tradition of folk and the simple nature.The costumes are fairly unspecific and generally tend to be shirts and jeans with variations here and there such as hats or scarves, the fairly simple outfits further implies the casual and friendly connotations of the genre.


Post-it photo.


It is difficult to see what the post-its say but they say ‘Reserved,Authentic,Talented,Friendly,Casual and innocent’

I think ,by the comments we got, people understood the genre that we where trying to go for and they all said folk.The adjectives they used to describe our outfit choice do actually reflect the folk genre so I think we made the right decisions using Mise-en-scene.I think by using a guitar prop it sold the folk side but also the casual wear, jeans,shoes, shirt and scarf also sold the look.


We tried a multitude of poses as you can see in the photos above.At this time we couldn’t get a field for the setting of our background but in the future to really sell the look I would choose to shoot in a field of some description.Lighting also wasn’t really too changeable under our circumstances however I think the lighting works fine here. I think these poses look friendly and casual as opposed to being overly aggressive or intimidating looking.


Final photo.

I have chosen this image as the final image because I think it conveys the Mise-en-scene the best and it represents the genre the best.The guitar, scarf and hat helps to sell the costume aspect and helps to convey the folk theme.The pose looks friendly and calm and implies a sense of kindness.The lighting is decent and is bright enough to seem happy and bright.The background doesn’t really hint at folk but it works.The overall casual look creates a convincing folk outfit which was adequate for our photoshoot.

I think the overall pose and smile are what makes this photo better.The smile and back against the wall seems friendly and kind and it definitely conveys the message that we where trying to send.


Overall I think that this was really useful and learning to use MES to plan out photos is very helpful as a skill.Learning to research the themes and study how MES is used in other peoples work helps me to plan for my own.By doing this I have broadened my knowledge of magazine production and techniques and I have learned some transferrable skills which I can use elsewhere.

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