The Camera Talks.

We where given the task to take some photos around school with the DSLR cameras in order to learn how camera communicates meaning in many ways and this post is about the results of our photoshoot!

These are the photos we took on the DSLR^


We found the DSLR confusing at first, however, after messing around and trying different things I think we managed to get some nice shots.We tried to experiment with close ups, extreme close ups, high angles, long shots and mid shots.We also tried changing the exposure and shutter speed and tried fiddling with depth of field but we couldn’t quite work depth of field out properly in the time we had.

We tried to make our images convey stories and have connotations and I think we succeeded.The shot of the eye close up has many connotations and the shot of the model with his head in his knees can be interpreted in many ways.By doing this I have seen first hand how important things such as distance, angles and framing can be when trying to convey a story. Just by using some of these techniques you can completely change the context and connotations of an image.

This is my moodboard!

Made with Padlet

I think these shots came out very well and They all tell a story.I like the extreme close up of the eye as the depth of field is good and the eye looks focused and well done.

I think that these nine photos and hashtags where the best shots we got and I think that they are easily understood and their connotations are quite subtle but interesting.I think we managed to use a variety of shots well so all the images are different and the different exposures help to give the images deeper connotations and denotations.

I think that this will really help me with my own magazine as by doing this I have gained further insight on the techniques and tricks which can be used to convey narrative and I now have actual experience with a DSLR and have taken photos using the techniques I have learned.

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