Brand Mood Board And Star Image

For this task I had to go on ‘pinterest’ and research things about my genre in order to help myself when designing my magazine. Ideally this should help me find inspiration and ideas for my own work.

I have found images which are relevant to my mission statement and my have chosen some which I can use as reference for font, logos, poses and costumes. I think I will go for a more trendy and modern pop-punk feel and I will use the colour schemes which uses blacks and whites and then maybe red, yellow or orange. I think by using more conventional features of punk I can also aim to relate to my mission statement of a punk magazine that any fan of the punk genre can relate to.
Here is my moodboard!^

For this next part I created a slide about a pop punk star and noted how the media portrays them as ordinary and extraordinary. I noted the ways he portrays himself and how he dresses and other things in order to create my own cover star.

From researching modern punk I have found that they wear trendy clothes alongside things such as chains and rings and quite commonly eyeliner and hats. Many artists have tattoos so I think I will consider this when creating my own cover star.

I think that this will really help me find inspiration for my magazine and it will help me plan out my work and have an idea before the shoot. I also have more reference of the conventional and more modern features to use to appeal to my target audience.

My Audience Profile And Research

In this task I had to research my typical audience member and find out things about them. To achieve this I used to find out the statistics and record them.

Here is what I found about my audience (who are punk fans).^

Next I made a dating profile for an audience member.

Here is how it came out!^

I think doing this was very useful as it is helping me visualise the people I am trying to appeal to for my own music magazine. By doing this I feel like I have a deeper understanding of my audience and their likes and dislikes and how to appeal to them. I now also know what not to include so I can produce something that punk fans can all enjoy.

In this task I considered the Stuart Hall theory which states that audience ideologies and producer ideologies should meet in the middle. In order to appeal to my audience I need to consider what they want and that is why making a dating profile for my ideal audience member can help me find out bout their ideologies. If I can get all my audience as preferred reading that would be very ideal.

Branding Ideas And Mission Statement

  • My music magazine is going to be called: Punk Jam. I think this is a good title as it conveys clearly the genre and the word jam implies that anybody who likes punk can get on borders with this magazine. Because my name actually says the genre I think it will help me be clear with what genre I am and I think that It doesn’t set a specific tone meaning that it is all inclusive to punk and its sub genres.


  • I have chosen to do the pop punk genre for my magazine as personally I find it to be a very interesting and fun genre which I enjoy listening to. I very much like the modern pop punk aesthetic and I will use these conventions in order to help create my own music magazine. I have researched about the connotations and conventions surrounding the genre and have found out what kind of mood is conveyed to the audience and this has helped me create my mission statement.

This is my word-cloud of the pop punk conventions.^

  • My mission statement is: ‘At Punk Jam we strive for a magazine that any punk fan can get behind! We include all artists under the punk sub genre and bring inside facts, Q and A’s and interviews about all your favourite bands! We encourage personality and individuality and put the entertainment of our audience above all else! We love punk and we love seeing our genre, culture and lifestyle grow and flourish.’

My Tour Poster

For this task I had to research my genre and find the conventional features and designs of folk tour poster and try and create my own. Here is the result of this task!

This is my analysis of conventional folk tour posters^

I have found that a very common style is hand drawn but also black and white (or a fairly old looking colour pallet) is also common. The posters are fairly to the point and don’t seem to involve excessive amounts of information. Through my research I have found that some things I should include where: Black and white colour scheme, Fairly brief writing ( not too much information), Big masthead and also to mention folk somewhere on the poster as actually not many of there posters I saw really suggest that they are folk based.

For my next task I had to create my own poster. I had to come up with a name for myself and also the tour. I had to think of places to use as tour destinations and also include other information on the poster.

This is the final product of my tour poster!^

I think that my poster came out pretty well overall and I think that it conveys the right ideas. I think the font is good and it looks tidy and clean and I think the colour scheme works really well. I used gradients in the text so that the text is more eye catching and I made the whole poster black and white so that it suits the conventional themes of folk magazines. I think the background, which is just a sunflower field, conveys the folk theme more. I think by having my cover star looking at the text it helps draw the consumers attention to the text more. I think my poster is interesting and appealing and I think that its unique and breaks conventions whilst also using common conventions.

I think my poster follows AIDA well and it does everything it needs to.

Overall I really like my colour scheme and pose but I think I could have maybe added a bit more folk influence in the overall design and feel and maybe add in colour on some of the image such as on the sunflowers or on the scarf but really I’m quite happy with how the poster came out.

My Magazine Front Page Swede

For this task we had to recreate a music magazine poster and I think that mine came out quite well.

Here is my recreation of a NME magazine front cover.^

Here is the original^

I think that this was a really useful task as I learned to use indesign and expand my knowledge and techniques on photoshop and finding the correct things in order to make the poster work.This also helped me identify how magazines are designed with conventional features, especially with things such as the masthead, captions, cover lines and the main cover star.

By learning to do this I have expanded my own knowledge which will help me when creating my own magazine front cover.

Overall I think I did quite well as my mock up looks the same and is laid out the same and you can tell that its the same thing. Some of the things I did well where:

  •  I think my choice of font was good and looked very similar, I think it is spaced correctly and it looks authentic.
  • The layout is very accurate and it is true to the original.
  • I think I was efficient at finding different ways to make things work such as using line tools and other things.

What would I do next time?

  • I would try and get the white outline around the inset images to be perfectly white and not with black outlines inside the lines.
  • I would also try and centre the image better as I managed to misplace it halfway through and couldn’t get it back to its original place.
  • I think there are areas where I could make things bigger so I would do that next time.

Overall I think I need to improve on borders and main cover star size and placement as my main objectives, I think I could also try to be a bit quicker and time efficient but I think that I worked at a fair pace.

Hopefully by doing this I can improve my own work and understand why things work and don’t. If I can make use of indesign effectively I will have a very useful skill which I can apply in many places. My targets for next time would be;

  • Time management
  • Image placement
  • Borders
  • Adding shadows to font in certain areas

A front cover analysed

My task was to analyse a chosen magazine front cover and to annotate it and find key features and things used and to look deeper and think why these things are used and how they appeal to their target demographic.

This is my analysis of a music magazine front cover! ^

I think that this magazine is created well and conveys its message to its target audience correctly.The use of fonts and colours is appealing to the targeted consumer and the content on the front would be enough to pull in people interested in metal or any of the bands or themes introduced on the front.I think the choice of font is useful as its recognisable for the audience and it fits the theme.The use of colours seem more mature and darker which also relates to the slightly older audience and darker metal themes within the genre.

Overall I think that this was a very useful thing to do as by analysing this magazine cover I have further insight on what makes a good front cover and I know more about the key terms and terminology and how they are used to attract consumers.I understand in more detail how connotations and denotations can be used to show and not tell to the audience and I also know the uses of demographics and psychographics and the importance of audience segmentation and understanding your target audience.