A front cover analysed

My task was to analyse a chosen magazine front cover and to annotate it and find key features and things used and to look deeper and think why these things are used and how they appeal to their target demographic.

This is my analysis of a music magazine front cover! ^

I think that this magazine is created well and conveys its message to its target audience correctly.The use of fonts and colours is appealing to the targeted consumer and the content on the front would be enough to pull in people interested in metal or any of the bands or themes introduced on the front.I think the choice of font is useful as its recognisable for the audience and it fits the theme.The use of colours seem more mature and darker which also relates to the slightly older audience and darker metal themes within the genre.

Overall I think that this was a very useful thing to do as by analysing this magazine cover I have further insight on what makes a good front cover and I know more about the key terms and terminology and how they are used to attract consumers.I understand in more detail how connotations and denotations can be used to show and not tell to the audience and I also know the uses of demographics and psychographics and the importance of audience segmentation and understanding your target audience.


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