Branding Ideas And Mission Statement

  • My music magazine is going to be called: Punk Jam. I think this is a good title as it conveys clearly the genre and the word jam implies that anybody who likes punk can get on borders with this magazine. Because my name actually says the genre I think it will help me be clear with what genre I am and I think that It doesn’t set a specific tone meaning that it is all inclusive to punk and its sub genres.


  • I have chosen to do the pop punk genre for my magazine as personally I find it to be a very interesting and fun genre which I enjoy listening to. I very much like the modern pop punk aesthetic and I will use these conventions in order to help create my own music magazine. I have researched about the connotations and conventions surrounding the genre and have found out what kind of mood is conveyed to the audience and this has helped me create my mission statement.

This is my word-cloud of the pop punk conventions.^

  • My mission statement is: ‘At Punk Jam we strive for a magazine that any punk fan can get behind! We include all artists under the punk sub genre and bring inside facts, Q and A’s and interviews about all your favourite bands! We encourage personality and individuality and put the entertainment of our audience above all else! We love punk and we love seeing our genre, culture and lifestyle grow and flourish.’

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