My Audience Profile And Research

In this task I had to research my typical audience member and find out things about them. To achieve this I used to find out the statistics and record them.

Here is what I found about my audience (who are punk fans).^

Next I made a dating profile for an audience member.

Here is how it came out!^

I think doing this was very useful as it is helping me visualise the people I am trying to appeal to for my own music magazine. By doing this I feel like I have a deeper understanding of my audience and their likes and dislikes and how to appeal to them. I now also know what not to include so I can produce something that punk fans can all enjoy.

In this task I considered the Stuart Hall theory which states that audience ideologies and producer ideologies should meet in the middle. In order to appeal to my audience I need to consider what they want and that is why making a dating profile for my ideal audience member can help me find out bout their ideologies. If I can get all my audience as preferred reading that would be very ideal.

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