First Shoot Contact Sheet

For my first shoot I tried to stick to punk conventions whilst also experimenting. I had my model in multiple poses and makeup options and I aimed to capture an energetic and rebellious feel. I used Mise en scene to portray to the audience what kind of feeling I am trying to convey and I used makeup subtly but I think I used it enough so that it sticks to punk conventions. I did two shoots overall andĀ  because of some confusionĀ  I had to change model but this is my final model.

Here is all my photos that I got!

These are some of my final choices for my front cover.

I think these do the best job of conveying the punk genre. My models face is snarling in some which works well and there is a sense of chaotic energy to a lot of them. The only current issue is that some photos have a bright reflection on the guitar so they may not be suitable for the front cover. I think this shoot went quite well and I feel much more confident and competent on a camera since doing this.


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