Language Analysis

This is my language analysis of an interview.

Here is the article which my analysis is based of.

The Article


  • ‘The beat(June 20th, 2015) Adam Lambert : Don’t look back, Written by Shirly Halperin’

  • Who-Adam Lambert
  • What-His personal life, identity, loneliness and struggles and the album. Themes of identity politics.
  • When- June 20th 2015 release of magazine. June 16th 2015 album launch.
  • Where-Hollywood
  • Why-To show his struggles and to show the audience his ordinary life. And to promote his new album.
  • How-Through interviews with the artist


This article is an interview and I can tell because the magazine quoted the artist’s statements and expanded them. There aren’t specific questions asked but more so the artist has been asked a general question about his album and inspiration and everything else is related to that. “The album is really honest,” he says. “It’s about where I’m at in my life right now.” Where’s that exactly? Lambert is open about being “boy crazy” but ultimately feeling lonely. The magazine is fairly formal but uses modern language in order to appeal with its audience. By being laid out this way it feels more like the interviewer recalling the experience as opposed to a Q and A style back and forth.

The introduction is a summary of the artist and it briefly shows the audience what he has done and what he is like currently. The conclusion is a quote from Adam which wraps up the article nicely and is satisfying and reasonable to conclude.


Presence of Journalist

The journalist is not very present in the interview and it is written so that it feels like the artist is the one talking and the journalist is not talking or asking anything. This is quite impactful as it feels like the artist’s recollection and not the journalists point of view. The interview is written with first person quotes from the artist and a third person narrative over him. This makes the whole article seem like a quote is said and then it is expanded on. The narrative feels like an overview and not biased or personality based.

Language and Aim

The narrator/journalist uses up to date language and terms to relate to the audience such as ‘Boy crazy’ and “banger” he also says “a sexually ambiguous rocker with a flair for operatic shrieks and studded leather outfits among earnest pop singers.”  this helps to relate to the audience’s personal identity. The article is quite quite formal despite this and conveys a professional tone which is factual as well as modern. The recollection fits the genre quite well by using language which is relatable and talking about fashion in the intro is something which would appeal to the audiences’ likes and interests “for a guy who calls his inability to be content his “dark side.”. The interviewer uses similes such as “Glam rock Revivalist” but the interviewer doesn’t use very many similes or metaphors in their article. All the quotes are directly from the artist and represent his point of view and thoughts. These quotes help the audience get the artists point of view which leads them to an unbiased conclusion.

This article aims to inform the audience about Adams life and struggles and it aims to give an unbiased recollection of the events of Adams recent life.

Representation of the performer

Overall the journalist represents the artist in a fair and unbiased way, The journalist lets Adam answer and only narrates to add context and expand on his answers. The journalist represents the star in a pretty good way and makes sure to show his hardships and his successes.




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