Draft Feature Article

For this task I had to prepare an interview for my double page spread. I chose to do interview as I think it works the best for my genre and I think that my questions are compelling and personal but also something that my audience would want to know.


For my hook I think I will go for something like “(names)’s surprise return to the punk scene! So what s been going on during this hiatus?” I think that this is captivating and intriguing and the use of the words surprise and the rhetorical question make it interesting and imply an answer is within the magazine.

Here is my first draft of my feature article.

(Click to see it bigger)

This is my recording of my article.

(Click on image to listen)

This was very useful as by hearing myself speak I can see where the faults and flaws are and I can find where to improve.


  • Basically repeated myself at the start
  • Don’t use ‘hiatus’ in artist quotes
  • ‘Reed recounts’ doesn’t flow all that well
  • Mental health quote needs to be written a bit better
  • Maybe change the language in the artists quotes so that it sounds like a different person with a different personality eg colloquial language, semantic field and emotive language.
  • Add in banter between the artist and the interviewer because that is quite a conventional punk thing.

My next step is to hand my work into my teacher for her feedback and then redraft my article for a final product. This was very useful to do as I feel like I know how to write articles better and how to reflect on them. I think recording and reflecting is a great idea as some things can’t be seen unless you say them out loud.

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