2nd Draft of DPS

This is my second draft of my double page spread!

This time around I changed a few things including;

  • Fixed text and got rid of placeholder text
  • Changed font under title to create variation
  • Added  in who the article was written by and who took the photos
  • Attempted to get rid of stretching on my model on the right
  • Altered the page number sign

Scroll down after clicking on image to see.^^

I think this draft looks good but there is still some things that I need to do.

  • Completely fix images and get rid of the stretching which still remains
  • Fix text in boxes as it seems to be hitting the edge of the box which looks a little bit janky
  • Maybe add more interest and flavor into my images by altering them somehow in photoshop

I think by doing this I will make my Dps look much more professional and clean, it will make the whole thing more visually appealing and convey its message with more impact due to good presentation. IF I alter the images somehow it may add a bit more interest and visual appeal to the cover which may make it more attractive and cool.

Overall I think this has been very useful to do and reflect on my previous work and now I have found other things to improve on in draft 3.




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