Complete magazine draft 3

For this task we had to create a draft 3 of our music magazines. At this point I was having difficulty thinking of new ideas to implement into my magazine so I had to really think hard about what needed fixing or patching up. I added a tattoo in photoshop to my models neck which adds to the punk conventions well.

On my front page I added a date and issue number and I also changed the front cover star photo .On that photo I also added a tattoo on my models neck in order to add to punk conventions. On the contents page I changed up the lines at the bottom and that gives off a less messy look. On my double page spread I changes quotations from the artists into white so they stand out more. I fixed the image on the right so it isn’t stretched anymore. I added a little box saying who took the photos and who wrote the article.

I still need to add the same tattoo to his neck on the contents page in order to maintain continuity.

I think my magazine is coming together nicely at this point, I need to touch up on continuity and maybe see if there are any ways to improve my front cover and once I’ve done that I think my magazine will be complete!

Final Draft Targets

  • Color match tattoos or completely have distinctly different colors
  • More work on skin perfecting and brightness
  • maybe add eyeliner in photoshop
  • Get rid of logos potentially
  • Add apostrophes and get rid of Hyphens
  • make all words capitalized where needed
  • align boxes
  • Get rid of Reed and Rosser on the tour poster inset
  • Potentially change other inset image
  • Consistency with tattoo on neck
  • Change up shot composition
  • Make sure page numbers are consistent with contents page
  • Weird spaces on text in some places
  • Contents page text should be headlines
  • Change arrow saying more on next page
  • New masthead font which is similar but not the same so its more diverse.

These seem like a lot of targets but they are not huge fix ups so I am confident and aware of what I need to do for my final draft.













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