Star Image – The Performer

This is a star image moodboard for the band catfish and the battlement. As they are the original artists of the song we are using in our music video this moodpboard shows media surrounding them and their image and how they are portrayed.

This task was useful as we now have a deeper understanding of the band, their star image and how they are portrayed. The bands portrayal plays a huge part in their audience engagement as the audience is tied to the band image they have been manipulated to see. This task has helped me to further analyse how the band dresses and acts so I can recreate these ideas in our music video. The paradox of the star theory can be applied here as we see catfish and the bottlemen being portrayed as both extraordinary and ordinary. Through their social media we see a more human side but also an extraordinary side as we see there normal lives and their performing lives. We will apply this moodpboard in our own work as it is showing us the bands mannerisms and outlooks and how we need to convey our performers in order to replicate the band and the genres conventions.


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