Narrative Development

This is our narrative outline sheet.

For this task we had to fill out a form describing our narrative. This has helped us a lot as it has established what we need to do and has helped me visualise our video more. This planning was important as it is crucial to know what we are doing and to ensure we all share the same vision. This was a very important task as it is our plan for what will be 50% of our music video. It is important that we make the video like a short film in the sense of a progressing narrative and meaning, however we also need to make sure there is rewatch ability in the video and the meaning is relevant to the lyrical content of the song. This sheet has really helped make sure that our narrative is cohesive and planned out.

For our narrative its important that we establish that our narrative is rewatchable with a simple message which can be interpreted in many ways. It needs to be distinct from a short film in that it needs to be understandable from only a visual point and in a very short amount of time and it needs to be interesting and relevant to the lyrical content of the song.

Overall this was super useful and has really helped me understand what is going to happen. Without this sheet we would be unsure what shots we would be trying to get and what message we would be trying to convey, this is very useful from an organising and planning perspective swell as now our whole group knows what we are doing and we are all on the same page.

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