Video Narrative/Story Sheets

Here are some of our story Sheets for our music video. 

Shot of the main star walking into the bunker.
An establishing shot of the bunker, this will be used to gauge where we are and where our character is going and will end up.
Shot of the voodoo doll and shot reverse shot or fade into protagonists face.
Shots of protagonist walking towards bunker, maybe following or static

These are our Narrative shot sheets.

Camera shot list:

  • Behind the back walking longshot, potential depth of field antics
  • establishing shot on bunker
  • Whip pan onto voodoo doll
  • extreme closeup of needle going into voodoo doll
  • Jumpshot so doll appears and disappears
  • Close ups to show facial expressions and acting
  • Mid shot to show the doll well
  • Shots showing the effect of the doll on the actor
  • Pan to establish the setting
  • Ped to create suspense

Overall this post details some of the shots that we will use for our narrative shoot. These shots are an important part of our video as they really help to convey the narrative and themes of the video. The voodoo doll shot in particular is crucial as it needs to stand out as it holds a large significance for the theme of our video. This task was very useful as now we are much more prepared to get these shots and we have discussed and analyzed which shots will allow us to have the most narrative impact on a scene and by doing this we are more organized and  prepared for what we hope to achieve.

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