Our Mission Statement – The Package Brand


Moving on from our music video we now have to make our digipak and social media page. We have been researching bands in the same genre and we have been modelling our ideal audience member down to the finest details. We have found common themes and conventions used by other bands and we have formed our mission statement and unique selling point based off of those things.


This task was a great insight on how our audience views our brand image and star image. This has helped us understand what our fans want and how we can innovate so we have a unique selling point as well as conventional features. This task has helped me understand our audience better and this has enabled us to write a mission statement which appeals to the audience and is a recognisable brand image. This post has taught me the importance of branding and really selling the star image to the audience, It is vital that our design is coherent or you risk getting lost in translation or not having a majority of audience members see your media due to it not visually appealing to them or they don’t believe it will be something they will be interested in as it doesn’t contain the repertoire of elements which appeal to them so they are not interested.

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