DP Mockup

For this task we had to draft a Digipak and decide what we wanted it to look like and how we can make it conventional and unique at the same time. We had many different ideas so it was difficult for us to decide on what we wanted but because we had so many ideas that meant there where many good options to choose and develop.

Here is the design we chose for our Digipak. It has a theme of letters and has a link to the album name ‘Letters from nowhere’.

Overall I am very pleased with how this came out, I like our theme of letters and how the song names are in the letters and the letters content actually reflects the songs. This creates a real narrative for our album overall and creates a good star image for our band. The conventional ideas within our genre is either minimalist or retro look, our design breaks those conventions a little bit but I think it is still faithful and it’s deeper meanings are a staple of the indie rock genre.







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