Contact Sheet – Draft Ideas

Our most recent shoot was for our digipak, this shoot was admittedly far more meticulously planned than any of our other shoots. In this shoot we knew exactly what we wanted to gain from it and we managed to obtain all the shots we wanted as well as a variety of angles, distances and use of depth of field. This means that we have a very broad range of shots to choose from when designing our digipak and we have a good variety of elements to utilize to remain relevant to our genre.

Here are my favorite shots from the shoot!

This is our back cover, it looks good and the focus of the image is fairly clear, we think in post we may blur the background to give a depth of field effect to highlight the focus even more on the center of the image.
this shot was a different perspective of one of our shots but I feel that the depth of field looks very nice and visually appealing and the lay out stills conveys what we wanted it to just a bit better.
This shot was originally not our intention but after taking the shot we originally wanted we decided that this could be more innovative and creative and it tells more of a story. This shot is more edgy and conveys our genre better than the original plan.
This is our front cover, it tells a story but isn’t too flashy or over the top, the minimalist design is conventional of other indie front covers and portrays our genre nicely.

In conclusion my group and I fully believe this to be one of our most successful shoots which has made our digipak process far easier to go through than any other shoots. This shoot was planned well, organized properly and overall communicated very well between our group. I think it is evident now that our previous mindset of planning a bit but winging some of it was not the way to go and this shoot has really taught me the most streamlined and effective way to go about this work. Our next step is to edit our photos, we intend to use some depth of field ideas so we can make our shots more diverse, we will create a band logo to go on the cover and we will most likely color correct and add more detail or less to the images overall.

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