Digipak Draft 1

For this task we drafted up our Digipak. We think it went very well and have a really solid vision for our product. We decided to use a more detailed image for our front cover and used a blur filter around the outsides in order to create a depth of field effect. We created a logo using a warp effect which gave it a wave effect which synergies with the name turning tides. I like where we are so far and think we are well on track.


Here is Our first draft of our Digipak. Click on first image to see all.

Self Assessment

After the first draft was complete we where tasked to do a self assessment. Here is my self assessment slideshow.

Some improvements for next draft:

  • On the inside covers make sure they are similar sizes so they are align and one side doesn’t look jarringly bigger than the other.
  • Adjust the positioning of the band name as it could stand out more.
  • Add more effects on the band name to make it work better with the front cover as it can look a little bit out of place.
  • Create side panels and spine.
  • Add bar codes, copyright information and Record label logo.

Overall I am really liking how our Digipak is shaping up. It combines lots of the elements we where hoping to use and ,at its current stage in draft 1, is much better than any other products we’ve made at such an early stage. I am really liking how all our covers fit together and have a clear theme whilst still being different. I am happy we used a more creative approach as opposed to a digital one as it means there is less time spent using indesign and photoshop to design things. Saying this, I really like the creative/graphics stuff we have done so far as it really compliments our Digipak. I believe this product to be easily marketable to our target audience and when its combined with our music video and social media page it will really create a good brand and star image and integrated advertising. I am ware there are improvements to be made but we are making steady progress and know what we have to do so I’m look

ing forward to seeing the big final package.

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