Evaluation Of Shoot Or Graphic Design


We managed to get all the images we need within one shoot, we used flash photography and tried to experiment with different lightings which led us to concluding that ambient lighting fit our genre and themes the best. We used the black studio and we got a variety of shots such as mid shot, long shot and experimented with different depths of fields.

We had a very creative process for our shoot which involved staining paper with teabags and writing many letters and scrunching them and I think it turned out really well and the Mise En Scene was effective.

What went well?

  • The shoot was very smooth and quick with little to no confusion or downtime when using the equipment.
  • We planned very meticulously and knew exactly what we wanted.
  • We got a variety of shots.
  • Got enough photos so we had a lot of choice.

What could be done better?

  • Make sure that the camera was focused properly from the start.
  • Try more angles just incase.
  • Use more depth of field as the stuff we did with it was very cool.

Overall this task was very useful as by reflecting on the shoot we know what can be done differently or better next time. It also helps me to see where we lost time or where inefficient and it shows us how well we planned.

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