Social Media Page Draft 1

The other day we made our social media page, we have implemented elements from our digipak and music video into it so that we can tease and advertise using things related to the band which ties into our brand image. We created a new logo and have other things we are waiting to post in the works and these link in to our brand image and recognition as we want people to be able to identify us through logo alone. We have researched other social media pages in our genre and some common features are stories featuring merchandise, albums and singles. We also found they all had a color scheme which matches their whole theme.

Here is our social media page so far

Here we had some stuff on our story and had guitar playing clips which sparked intrigue and showed the stars as ordinary because he is playing in his room yet extraordinary because he is talented at the guitar.
Here is the early stage of our social media page with a few posts and mild talk about the new album.
In this post it was revealed that there where more things to come which targets the AIDA of our audience.


Here is a link to our instagram page:

After the creation of our social media page we needed to see whether or not we where using or breaking conventions and how well our social media page fared against bands in the same genre.

Here is my self assessment sheet



Overall this task was very useful as it has helped me further consider what needs to be done to develop our bands brand and star image. It is important that we include a repertoire of elements in order to engage and entertain our audience, this post has helped me to see what further progress is needed and how our current work can be improved.

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