Chosen Adverts

In this task I am going to choose adverts for my final magazine.
For this I am aiming to choose the most appropriate and relevant adverts relating to my genre. My first pick is this Boston Manor tour poster, it is relevant as its 2021 and it is a band that I already mention in my magazine so it makes sense and relates to my genre. I think the colour scheme will help break up my magazine as it varies it. This poster uses conventions which my audience will like such as recognisable art and messages which they can relate to. these posters also promote a social thing which makes the audience feel included and part of the community.
Boston Manor - Tour 2021 - 10/03/2021 - London - England - United Kingdom | Concerts-Metal Calendar

For my second advert I chose this. I think that this Poster works very well as it relates heavily to my genre and has useful and clear information which is useful for my target audience. My audience is looking for recognisable bands and language which they relate to. The poster looks nice and can be hung up on a wall or something which could be another incentive for the consumer to buy the magazine.

Slam Dunk Festival: Who has been announced for the 2021 line-up? | Welwyn Hatfield Times

I think choosing adverts is very important as they make up quite a big part of my final magazine. If the adverts are jarring or do not fit in very well then the magazine does not look professional and it seems like it isn’t knowledgeable about the subject it is talking about.

Complete magazine draft 3

For this task we had to create a draft 3 of our music magazines. At this point I was having difficulty thinking of new ideas to implement into my magazine so I had to really think hard about what needed fixing or patching up. I added a tattoo in photoshop to my models neck which adds to the punk conventions well.

On my front page I added a date and issue number and I also changed the front cover star photo .On that photo I also added a tattoo on my models neck in order to add to punk conventions. On the contents page I changed up the lines at the bottom and that gives off a less messy look. On my double page spread I changes quotations from the artists into white so they stand out more. I fixed the image on the right so it isn’t stretched anymore. I added a little box saying who took the photos and who wrote the article.

I still need to add the same tattoo to his neck on the contents page in order to maintain continuity.

I think my magazine is coming together nicely at this point, I need to touch up on continuity and maybe see if there are any ways to improve my front cover and once I’ve done that I think my magazine will be complete!

Final Draft Targets

  • Color match tattoos or completely have distinctly different colors
  • More work on skin perfecting and brightness
  • maybe add eyeliner in photoshop
  • Get rid of logos potentially
  • Add apostrophes and get rid of Hyphens
  • make all words capitalized where needed
  • align boxes
  • Get rid of Reed and Rosser on the tour poster inset
  • Potentially change other inset image
  • Consistency with tattoo on neck
  • Change up shot composition
  • Make sure page numbers are consistent with contents page
  • Weird spaces on text in some places
  • Contents page text should be headlines
  • Change arrow saying more on next page
  • New masthead font which is similar but not the same so its more diverse.

These seem like a lot of targets but they are not huge fix ups so I am confident and aware of what I need to do for my final draft.













2nd Draft of DPS

This is my second draft of my double page spread!

This time around I changed a few things including;

  • Fixed text and got rid of placeholder text
  • Changed font under title to create variation
  • Added  in who the article was written by and who took the photos
  • Attempted to get rid of stretching on my model on the right
  • Altered the page number sign

Scroll down after clicking on image to see.^^

I think this draft looks good but there is still some things that I need to do.

  • Completely fix images and get rid of the stretching which still remains
  • Fix text in boxes as it seems to be hitting the edge of the box which looks a little bit janky
  • Maybe add more interest and flavor into my images by altering them somehow in photoshop

I think by doing this I will make my Dps look much more professional and clean, it will make the whole thing more visually appealing and convey its message with more impact due to good presentation. IF I alter the images somehow it may add a bit more interest and visual appeal to the cover which may make it more attractive and cool.

Overall I think this has been very useful to do and reflect on my previous work and now I have found other things to improve on in draft 3.




2nd Draft of Front Page

This is my second draft of my front cover.

For this I made many changes which include;

  • a change of front cover star image
  • a change in inset images
  • a change of background, changes to text and additional details included such as issue number and price

I think this draft is much better than the previous as it has more character and looks fuller on the page. I find the layout is better and my genre is conveyed more clearly now.

Next time I think I will try a few things. I would like to photoshop the inset images so they blend in better as currently I find them to stand out too much, I will probably turn the bottom image into an album cover so it relates to what’s being said on the front cover. I need to change the photo aswell as I have realized that it is the same photo as my contents page Next time I will also go back into photoshop and work on my model more by getting rid of his neck beard and making the cut around the legs cleaner. I might also try to make the whole thing a little fuller on the left side but ill try it and see. I think my front cover star is slightly squished so I need to try and fix that also.

2nd Draft Of Contents Page

This is my second draft of my contents page. For this I reflected on my own criticism and targets and aimed to improve my contents page.

I think my second draft is much better than the first. I think the changes in font and rearranging of text and other things conveys my genre better and the better cutting out of the image instantly makes the image better. I think the quote at the bottom fits much better and the bar over the front cover stars eyes creates a cool edgy feel. The text is now smaller with less words and the bottom left by the guitar headstock no longer looks awkward and out of place.

I think that I may add outlines around some parts of the contents such as the quote and maybe add more variation in color as I think the yellow works well. I would also work on getting the straightest possible cut out of the guitar as its still a little shaky around the neck area.

Draft Of The Double Page Spread

Here is my first draft of my double page spread!

I think it looks quite good and it effectively combines punk aspects and conventions. I think it looks visually appealing and works well. I made the choice to split the original image in half in order to allow more space for writing.

Scroll down to see it after clicking on it.

Targets to improve on:

  • fix the placement of text in the boxes
  • make the images less stretched
  • make sure I extend my interview in order to fit all the space